Did I ever mention that I drive 100 miles round trip everyday to work? Well I do. Must of the time it's a great time of riding my motorcycle, listening to my iPod and praying, but the last few days have been miserable with the fall temperatures coming in the area.
Monday I didn't go to work because of a bout with kidney stones, but Tuesday through today were nightmares. I can comfortably ride my motorcycle from 50 degrees on up. Tuesday morning on the way to work was 34 degrees and this morning warmed to an incredible 42 degrees.
I make sure that I'm covered up as best as possible without looking like a blob of clothes on a bike. Today, for example, I've put on a t-shirt, a polo shirt, a sweater, my leather coat, motorcycle gloves, two pair of socks, boots, jeans and long john's, but for some reason when I finish my 50 mile adventure I'm still freezing.
The only thing that helps me is that I'm not the only idiot feeling the same way, my boss rides right next to me. And that's priceless!!!!!
i about hate riding 5 miles as cold as it's been. I just know tho that by lunch time it will be warm enough, So i battle the cold in the mornings cuz i know i got 3 more trips before the day is over that will be nice riding weather.
The first fifty miles are dreadful but make me anticipate the second fifty miles.
Hey there! I noticed you're following my blog--you're awesome! How did you hear about my blog? PS--love this picture of the little girl!!
you wrote - "Hey there! I noticed you're following my blog--you're awesome! How did you hear about my blog? PS--love this picture of the little girl!!"
I heard about your blog from one of your comments on a friend's blog, Shannon Clark. We used to date in high school in Jacksonville, but we have managed to stay friends even though we don't live close anymore.
I just started getting into photography about a year ago when I went on a mission trip to Guatemala. One guy came on the trip with his brand new Nikon d80 and he let me take a couple of pictures. That was a big no-no. He basically never saw his camera for the rest of the trip.
You have a beautiful eye for pictures. I've just kinda dabbled into doing some pictures like yours but I don't have the wide-angle lens to do it.
Anyway, I'de love to send you some pics I've taken to get your professional opinion on them.
-Carlos G.
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