Three straight days of doing orientation and I'm still not done. Normally my schedule is NOT this hectic! I can't believe that I'm still awake and functional right now.
I do have one cool thing happening right now. Three weeks ago my pastor took part in American Defence Fund sponsored Pulpit Initiative Sunday. That Sunday he preached a sermon on how and who not to vote for. This is a really big deal because we can lose our tax exempt status as a church. What's neat is that my church was one of thirty-one churches chosen by hand by the ADF to defend legally.
So many people have lobbied for the separation of church and state saying that the church should not have anything to do with politics when it's the exact opposite. They've said that it is unconstitutional for the pastor to say who to or not vote for. I thought the second amendment said that we had freedom of speech. The state(media) should not affect the church.
you would be in favor of separation of church and state if the state said you had to be catholic, or wanted to outlaw your style of worship.
That is what we are preaching against. The state should NOT have any affect on the church but the church on the state. Darkness cannot invade light but light will invade darkness.
Thanks Mr/Mrs Anonymous.
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